D'Angelo Peers - D'Angelo is a complex, hardass character. On the outside he's a complete tough guy who drinks a lot of alcohol and has an affinity for guns and pulling heists. Raised by the great pirate Cain he was taught the ways of the cutthroat world of pirates. A grand design of women, wealth, and infamy is the only life for D'Angelo. He's strong willed and hot headed in most bits but can be a surprisingly cunning mind when he has time to think. He's never to be taken lightly by his enemies and that's a fact most should learn quickly especially given his crew and resources. Slig - Former veteran army sniper, Dennis "Slig" Wolfe, is the straight man of the bunch. A married man with three children and well accomplished sniper in the military. Despite the extremely polarizing lifestyle of it all he finds catharsis in doing a bit of sailing. He's very laid back and chill about life. On the crew he serves as D'Angelo's right hand man,...
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