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Showing posts from October, 2015

Shuja - The Path to Nowhere

I will atone. Shuja sat still in meditation. His eyes closed and ears open; he felt the energy of the forest cascade around him in freedom. The leaves rustled with the wind in the sway of the canopies above. A brief moment of inner peace. But even in his time of peace he couldn’t help but to remind himself, they want me dead. He tightened his fists in frustration. Shuja left his tribe under the title of traitor. A decision that was not made lightly and not without bloodshed. The memory of his slain wife and daughter sprawled across the ground remained branded into his mind. An agonizing heartbreak that shattered his momentary bliss. He fell to all fours in his strife, a cold sweat glazing his skin. Tears forming in his eyes. But now was not the time idle in his agony. There was a journey to nowhere ahead of him and he needed to be ready to move at any moment. He brought himself to his feet and began again down the path of the dense jungle, clothes wrapped in a thick...

The Problem with an Insane Character

I've been hard at work on a Manga to compete with a friend of mine in making one. It gives me some time to practice drawing too. So I thought I'd 100% wing it and just make a story on the spot in five seconds. I thought hey what the heck, challenge myself; break some barriers. I've gone a route I haven't tried before and I see why I hadn't before. My main character is one Vampire named Vayne who is my first balls out off the wall protagonist. Vayne is a hemomancer and does a lot of nasty things with blood and enjoys causing pain. He's fast, loose, and fun as far as a protagonist goes but at the same time he's hard to contain. I realize that Vayne's involvement in whatever plot I can set him in DOESN'T EVEN MATTER.  There's no ally or villain for someone who just wants to watch the world burn now is there? And it's been boiling my blood as of recent when I'm trying to come up with a decent enough plot for him to work with.  Anothe...

I've been Challenged!!

I never thought I would actually see the day someone wanted to go head to head with me in writing. My friend wants to race to create a Manga first. I've never done a manga nor Manga art but I've been training up my art and I say I'm up to the challenge. So in addition to Shuja, you'll also see pages from a Manga I'll be putting together. Mind, this is a massive leap for me so mistakes are bound to happen. For me though it's a perfect writing and drawing exercise, I can use it to keep my skills sharp. The series will be called Vain and it's about a cocky Vampire lord who oversteps his bounds a bit. I have no planning going into this and it's a play it by ear thing. I wanna see how I can perform in a week to week setting. Here are some scratch shots I sketched up in 10 mins or less The Protagonist, Vayne Intended First Cover Vayne has some ... weird... abilities